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About Us

Mike Foley, Founder, is a retired Boston Fire Lieutenant who, along with his brother John, were the 3rd generation of the family to serve with the Boston Fire Department. They followed their grandfather and their father. Mike’s son Tim is presently serving as a Fire Lieutenant and so, represents the 4th generation of Foleys to honor the family tradition. Mike is the author of two books about the BFD.

Mike Murphy is a second-generation Fire Lieutenant with the Newton Fire Department, presently in his thirty-fifth year of service. Mike was preceded by his father, Ed Murphy, the retired Chief of Department of the Newton FD. Mike is also a 20-year member of the Screen Actors Guild, with multiple appearances to his credit. Mike is a cancer survivor.

Paul Carey is a retired District Fire Chief after having completed 39 years service. Paul has a long and storied family history with the Boston FD. Paul is a certified instructor and has worked with, and taught regularly, for the IAFF, Mass Fire Academy, FEMA, and the Department of Homeland Security. Paul is a cancer survivor. 

Jim Prince is President of Prince Pipeline Integrity, a Mansfield Ohio company recognized as one of the most dependable pipeline service companies in the Midwest. As the former fire chief of the Baryton Fire Department in Michigan, Jim and his Prince Pipeline Integrity are front and center in the war against occupational cancer among firefighters.

Joe Conforti is an award winning film producer and director, a former U. S. Marine aviator who flew in the first Gulf war and later, for Continental and United airlines, retiring after a thirty-five year career. His father was a detective with the Boston Police Department. Joe holds a Masters degree in Media Art from Emerson College in Boston.


THE ADVISORY PANEL consists of four women whose principal mission is to keep FFVC informed about cancer issues regarding women, and to female firefighters specifically.

Deanna McDevitt is the first woman promoted to the rank of District Chief for the Boston in 2019. She is a fourth generation firefighter and serving since 2008. 

Chantette Stallworth is a fire investigator in Boston, and served as a firefighter since 2000 in a busy Dorchester firehouse. Faith underpins her passion to serve. 

Cora McHugh, RN, BSN, CNOR has earned advanced nursing certifications and she works at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. 

Suzette Martinez Standring is a journalist, an award-winning author, and writing instructor. For 15 years, she penned a nationally syndicated column based on spirituality and stories that inspire. She serves as Chief Correspondent for the FFVC website.

Deanna McDevitt
Chantette Stallworth
Cora McHugh
Suzette Martinez Standring